[Crack] CameraWallpaper 1.0
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Update : Version 1.10 released ! Crack is out !! [Credits to Fabius]
v 1.10
- Added support for Verizon iPhone4 device
- Fixed an icons alpha issue after closing a FolderEnhancer folder
Download 1.10 Cracked : Official
Requires iOS 4.0 or higher, and a device with at least 1 camera
CameraWallpaper lets you use the device's camera as your wallpaper! "See-thru" your SpringBoard, move around your phone while viewing/managing your icons having a real camera view as the background and, the best part, capture a photo at any time.
You can pause the camera view whenever you like , to keep the image as a static background.
A really cool menu has been added to let you control your SpringBoard's camera. You can call it anytime by assigning an activator event.
* Features: Use your live camera as your wallpaper.
* Take a picture anytime from SpringBoard.
* Innovative control menu, activator-enabled.
* Toggle between front and rear camera*
* Turn the torch on/off*
* Set flash mode (auto,force-on,force-off) when capturing photos*
* (* on devices that support it)
* Auto Focus
* Auto Exposure
* Auto WhiteBalance
* Pause-resume camera
* Auto-start modes
* Battery saving options
* Set video tranparency so you can see your wallpaper in the back.
* Set icons transparency.
* and more!
ToDo: Fix an iOS 4.1-4.2.1 difference in rotating taken pictures
No new icons are added to your homescreen. You can configure options from your Settings app.
See below for a Video Demonstration and More Info for screenshots

Notes :
Previous Version
1.0 : Official
1.0 : Official
0.9 : Official