[News] PS Jailbreak Now Supports PlayStation 3 Firmware 3.42 and 3.50
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Posted by skygoat76 in news
Once is not common, I will talk about the PS3 Jailbreak which is quite interesting too !
This is starting to look like one of those classic cat and mouse games that passionate hackers and manufacturers often like to play: Sony keeps patching holes in its firmware that allow jailbreaking, while the jailbreaking community finds new ones to thwart Sony’s plans.

With the release of Medal of Honor, Sony made it compulsory for users to upgrade to firmware 3.50 if they want to play the game. This release patched the ability to install PS Jailbreak which hacks the PS3, making it possible to dump entire games into the internal or external hard disk.
But PS Jailbreak has announced that with their new product PS Downgrade, everyone can simply downgrade their firmware to a jailbreak-friendly version so that they can then jailbreak the PlayStation 3 with PS Jailbreak.
From the official announcement :
Again we revolutionize the world and show the disbelievers that we are the original source. We understand what we are doing and will continue to be at the forefront of support. Officially launched today is our sister site www.psdowngrade.com the worlds only downgrader. Allowing you to downgrade your new console to any previous firmware version. With a PS Jailbreak and PS Downgrade now all all 44 Million users and counting can enjoy Homebrew. We don’t like new comers being singled out , so we ventured into the unknown once again and now brought you an out of the box USB solution.Well there you go! If you want to hack your PS3, you can also jailbreak the PS3 with an Android smartphone or iPhone/iPod touch!
Disclaimer: Hacking or modding your PlayStation 3 (PS3) might result in Sony banning your console from PSN (PlayStation Network). Use it only at your own risk.