[How-To] Customize your Status Bar
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Posted by skygoat76 in tutorials
Here is a little tutorial for begginers which will permit you to customize your Status Bar.
For iPhone and iPod Touch, the application Make It Mine is not required.

Required :
- WinterBoard
- A picture .png format with trasnparent background if possible
- Size : 50×20 or 60×20 maxi !Test by yourself !
2) Inside this folder, create 2 folders called Folders and Bundles.
- Folders for iPod Touch.
- Bundles for iPhone.

Inside this folder, create a folder called SpringBoard.app and paste 2 pictures (the same!) called Default_CARRIER_IPOD.png and FSO_CARRIER_IPOD.png
1) Find the name of your carrier in /System/Library/Carrier Bundlesexample : com.apple.ATT_US
2) Then, create into the empty folder of Bundles, a folder with the same name as your carrier
Here it is com.apple.ATT_US
3) Paste 2 pictures (the same) in this folder called like your carrier
for the example, it is Default_CARRIER_ATT.png and FSO_CARRIER_ATT.png

and apply in WinterBoard.
If you use Make It Mine, think to tick Carrier option by default !