Friday, December 10, 2010
Posted by skygoat76
Welcome to the Top 6 Extraordinary themes of December !
Devoured by AnthonyGiola
The Winner of this months top 6 extraordinary themes contest goes to AnthonyGiola, for his theme Devoured. Not only is devoured extremely detailed, it features stunning handcraft artwork that will shine on any iPhone or iPodTouch! We were extremely excited when we saw Devoured for the first time, and we hope you will feel the same excitement when you check out this truly Extraordinary theme. For More information Click here!
Réalité HD by Retrospect
With a theme so much is possible, that is not with Apple’s stock GUI. And one theme that takes advantage of winterboard is a theme by Retrospect called Realite. This theme includes advanced functionality like autoskinning icons, weather/time widgets and so much more. If you are looking for a theme that is elegant yet functional, Realite HD by Retrospect is your best choice. For More information Click here!
iNitsua Z HD by Zausser

“Wow” is the first word the comes to mind when you take a look at iNitsua Z HD by the expert theme designer Zuasser. Not only does this theme replace every single UI element on the iPodTouch/iPhone, it replaces it in a way that is truly extraordinary. From one jaw dropping animated lockscreen, to some very impressive artwork, iNitsua Z HD will be a theme to show off to your friends.
For More information Click here!
iMagine By Anonomys

When we saw iMagine by Anonomys, we were very excited to share with you one of the cleanest and sharpest themes we had seen in awhile. Not only does iMagine provide one complete UI overhaul, it accomplishes the overhaul with pride! In fact iMagine completely re-skins your iPodTouch/iPhone’s keyboard, calendar, SMS bubbles, and even comes with auto icon creating functionality. We know you will fall in love with iMagine!
For More information Click here!
Opaque By Maarten16 & Ecko666

For all of you Apple rain drop wallpaper fanatics, you will be pleased to know that there is a theme that mimics this clean and crisp Apple raindrop style! This theme is called opaque, and is being developed by two very talented themers who go by the names of Maarten16 & Ecko66. If you are interested in a theme that is extremely clean, complete and unique, Opaque is the theme for you!
For More information Click here!
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