Splash 1.0.0-6 *Crack*
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Update : Version 1.0.0-6 released ! Crack is out !!
- some bugfixes
- folder attributes
Download 1.0.0-6 Cracked : Official
Splash can be used to set your personal picture, wallpaper or loading screen as splashscreen on every app launch.

It's a simple way to more personalize your theme.
1.activate splash theme in winterboard.(press winterboard button)
2.choose splashscreen.(press choose)
3.refresh winterboard theme.(press winterboard reload button)
Run Step 3. to scan for installed apps and to refresh the winterboard theme.
You only have to run Step 2 to change the splashscreen.
No respring or reboot required to change the splashscreen.
Some default apps are unsupported :
- Pictures App
- Camera App
- Stocks App
- Notes App
- Clock App
- iPod App
Notes :
Previous Version
1.0.0-5 : Official