News Fimrware 4.0
Friday, April 09, 2010
Posted by skygoat76 in news
The SDK of Firmware 4.0 and Firmware 4.0 beta will be available for developers.
Firmware 4.0 will be released with the 4th generation of iPhone in Juin.

- We knew it, the Firmware 4.0 is multitask, improvement of the interface for the management of several applications, Voice IP, GPS, Music, backgrounding...
- It seems that iPhone 3G,V1 and iPod Touch 1G/2G won't support this feature in Firmware 4.0

- We can now group our applications in FOLDERS !

- All Mail accounts are grouped in a unique interface to manage this..
- Manage several Exchange accounts.
- New management for the application Mail.
- Possibility to open enclosed parts with an application of your iDevice.

- More features fro applications designed for companies.

- A multiplayer network like XBox Live.
- Several games at the end of this year will be available, many games capable to connect to themselves.

- After the buying of Apple admoB, Apple proposes hiw own service for advertisements in the applications : iAd

- iBook on iPhone and iPod Touch.

- Zoom x5.
- Search on Google or Wikipédia thanks to Spotlight function.

- Counter of caracters for SMS.
- Synchronize your notes with different accounts.
- The baseband will change with this new Firmware 4.0 : 05.13.03.